that the truth?
Often, Maxine is a bit on the crude side, but, sometimes,
she's not far off the mark.
When I decided to take on the challenge of managing my stress, it seemed like a good idea at the time. As I really started thinking this through - I found myself saying - "Oh, wow - this is huge! Maybe I should re-think this one!" This is such an immense topic, but it's something that like it or not, is here to stay. As the pace of our lives continues to excel at a speed faster than any other time in history - we need to encourage and support each other. You can get through an awful lot when you have someone cheering you on!
We've probably all felt overwhelming stress at some point in our life. If not, then you are either living a very charmed life or are high on something. Or . . . you are the person that Maxine (above) is talking about. Someone once told me that they never experienced stress . . . they just created it. I didn't say anything but I felt like saying, "Yeah, I know . . . you are SUCH a BAG!"
Years ago, a well-meaning friend told me that I knew nothing about stress and that when it came, she sure hoped I would be ready for it. At the time I was raising two little kids and had a travelling hubby. That kind of irked me until I found out her teenage son was suicidal and her husband suffered from major depression. Ok - maybe the potty training wasn't such a huge deal. Took me some time before I totally got what she was saying.
The saying, 'As bad as you think your life is . . . there's someone else out there that's got it worse," rings true. That is brought to mind, as I watch those sad tv programs about Third World countries struggling to feed and provide clean water, hear about families whose kids are spun out on drugs and living on the streets, see friends losing their spouses, jobs, or homes, etc. Life can be hard, at times - everywhere. Stress looks different in different homes, but it's still there. What is glossed over by one person, is traumatic for the next. Even how we handle the stress in a situation early in the morning, might be very different if we were handling it, later in the day (and after several cups of good coffee!)
I guess a good question to ask myself might be - Am I feeling stressed , SOME OF THE TIME, MOST OF THE TIME OR ALL OF THE TIME? On-going stress is a whole different kettle of fish than occasional stress. When it's constant, you really need to do some soul searching as to the reason(s) it's on-going. Sometimes, we are our own worst enemies. We all handle stress and difficult stuff in our own way. Some of us do it better than others. Or do we? Maybe ask the guy in the next car that you just flipped the bird to . . .
It's easy to pass the buck and blame our stress and anger on others, but sometimes, we might have to suck it up and ask ourselves what part we played in all of it. Not always easy to be objective about ourselves.
Often, it's hard to admit to ourselves that we aren't handling things as well as we could or should. So, we bury or hide it. The thing is . . . what goes down . . . always comes up (eventually). People can go to great lengths to downplay what is on their plate - especially if they are surrounded by others that are far worse off. Since stress really amounts to how our body handles "demands" - how ARE we handling life's demands?
Studies now show that Stress has the potential of becoming one of the leading health issues in North America. While stress, in itself, isn't necessarily a bad thing, when we lose control of it, the effects of unhealthy levels can paint a very different outcome for us. They say that today's young people struggling with overwhelming stress are beginning to experience conditions that have typically been associated with those signigicantly older.
So what has the average person got to be stressed about? Here are some - maybe you recognize a few of them as being something on your plate -
job security/competitive job market, low self-esteem, bullying, peer pressure, a death, difficult family dynamics, exams, dysfunctional or confrontational marriage, health issues, difficult friends or friends in difficult situations, inactivity (overloading on tv, computer, and game systems instead of sports and being outdoors), poor eating habits (junk food and fewer family meals together), plans not going as "planned", financial situations (ranging from gambling to poor money management), insufficient sleep time, road rage, poor time management, bills, bills, and more bills, negative work or school environments, substance abuse, etc.
Getting stressed just reading this list? Don't be . . . as I mentioned earlier . . . some degree of stress is good and keeps us functioning and alive. There are always things we can do to lighten our load, change our perspective, and make the decision to move forward. Rome wasn't built in a day and sometimes, it takes some real work and determination to get us on a new path. We really do need to stay positive, empower ourselves, and cut each other a little slack.
job security/competitive job market, low self-esteem, bullying, peer pressure, a death, difficult family dynamics, exams, dysfunctional or confrontational marriage, health issues, difficult friends or friends in difficult situations, inactivity (overloading on tv, computer, and game systems instead of sports and being outdoors), poor eating habits (junk food and fewer family meals together), plans not going as "planned", financial situations (ranging from gambling to poor money management), insufficient sleep time, road rage, poor time management, bills, bills, and more bills, negative work or school environments, substance abuse, etc.
Getting stressed just reading this list? Don't be . . . as I mentioned earlier . . . some degree of stress is good and keeps us functioning and alive. There are always things we can do to lighten our load, change our perspective, and make the decision to move forward. Rome wasn't built in a day and sometimes, it takes some real work and determination to get us on a new path. We really do need to stay positive, empower ourselves, and cut each other a little slack.
See! We aren't alone!
How we look at our situation, can often make a difference. I'm a half glass empty person myself so when someone pointed this out to me recently, I thought it was food for thought -
So how do we get this ball rolling? One thing would be to realize that there are some situations we are just not going to have any control over. Great, huh? That's part of life - knowing what you can deal with and what you have to let go of. A little like that famous Serenity Prayer. It's take some practice, so cut yourself some slack when you find yourself stewing over stupid stuff that seems like we can't do anything about. Oh, Well - we do, what we can. That's a good phrase to practice saying to myself, actually. I'll be saying it a lot. Or, at least, I should be!
But there are times, when we can do something because, not all stress comes from outside sources .... sometimes we create our own stress. We've all met people who READ things into situations that just aren't there - maybe we do that? Or we spend time with others knowing, dollars to donuts, they will upset us. I know it can be incredibly hard to let things go, but sometimes we focus so much on other people's trivial remarks that it's all we can think about. THAT'S not their problem, it's ours.
A few things have occured to me during this process:
a) Lots of things in life are not as easy as they should be but sometimes, things don't need to be as complicated as we make them, either.
Are we taking on more than we should?
Are we placing unreasonable expectations on ourselves? (Code: setting ourselves up to fail?)
Do we have poor time management?
You know, we don't have to say yes to
EVERYTHING, just because we have in the past. Taking some time before we give someone our answer, is a "good thing".
Are we taking on more than we should?

Do we have poor time management?
You know, we don't have to say yes to
EVERYTHING, just because we have in the past. Taking some time before we give someone our answer, is a "good thing".
b) We give too much power to other people. For instance . . . maybe we think that everyone is "always" talking about us or criticizing us. Honestly, we just aren't that important to most people! In fact, I rather doubt we cross most people's minds 24/7.
c) It's probably not the end of the world if the people we find stressful being around, get a little less of our time. You don't have to make a big deal out of it - just make yourself 'busy' - if you have things to do, you have things to do.
d) Speaking of busy - get busy doing stuff. When we sit around stressing, we can really drag ourselves down. That's when our little minds start creating drama or scenarios. There's that adage - "if you want to forget about your problems - get busy doing something nice for someone else." Even if you just get outside for a walk in the sunshine, pick some weeds, meet a good friend for coffee, or make yourself exercise, you will be surprised how much better you will feel.
e) Learning how to do the de-stressing breathing can help with those times when you feel like you want to puke or your chest is going to explode. Accupressure and reflexology are awesome ways to relax and feel great. It's amazing what a difference having your hands, feet, and your head massaged can do for your well-being. Who knew? Check out some sites on the web to get more info on this procedure. I like to see an actual reflexologist now and again - great way to keep yourself healthy. My faith has been a huge source of energy and direction for me. I realize that not every one has one, but for me, it has opened up so many avenues - and for THAT, I am so humbly grateful.
f) Watch what goes into your mouth (or doesn't). Weight issues and stress go hand in hand. Easier said than done but I've really made some changes in my snacking after dinner and it makes a big difference in so many ways. Of course, I have to fill that void - so I generally dedicate my worst time to doing really positive things for myself (fyi - eating chocolate bars doesn' fall under the category of doing something really positive). By the way, EAT BREAKFAST! I know, I know . . . you don't have the time. Seriously . . . you better start finding the time. You wouldn't dream of getting into a car and heading into rush hour traffic when your gas gauge is reading empty. That's what not having breakfast does for you. Nothing stupid, either - like donuts and a vat of coffee. Even grabbing a piece of fruit or yogurt to go along with your one or two cups of coffee, goes a long way to getting your metabolism fired up.
Things often seem better after a sleep.
g) Sleep is really important for stress. If you don't get enough zzzz's, it's hard to think straight. Not only that, we get upset easier, show less patience, and often start making mistakes that only adds to an already bad situation. It's amazing how BLACK can look that much BLACKER when we are tired. Go to bed. Plain and simple. Our bodies really do need more sleep, not less. Aiming for 7-8 hours is really what we need - especially in this stress-filled world. According to Dr. Avi Sadeh, at the Tel Aviv University - he found that during his stress study on students, those "who tended to focus on their emotions and anxiety during the high-stress period were more likely to shorten their sleep, while those who tended to ignore emotions and focus on tasks extended their sleep and shut themselves off from stress." Sleep is when so much happens for our body - repair and healing, rejuvenation, rest, etc. We have one body - we have to take care of it. If we don't, who will?
h) Give yourself a break. We are often harder on ourselves than others are on us. We can't let the little things defeat us or the fact that we aren't making headway like we thought we would. ANY headway we make is one step in the right direction. To quote my chiropractor, when I was complaining about it taking longer than I thought to lose weight - . . . "IT WILL. BE PATIENT." Ta Da - That's it? Well - he was right . . . I had to keep plugging away and then one day, it started happening. Like anything, a has to happen before b happens. Slow and steady does win the race. We are an instant gratification society - we want it and we want it, NOW!
~ Stress is when you wake up screaming and you realize
you haven't fallen asleep yet ~
i) Write it down - I like to have a notebook close at all times. It can free up your brain from thinking you will forget what you need to address or remember.
j) Lighten up and learn to laugh again. As my Dad once told me when we were discussing Mom's strange behaviours, if he didn't laugh, he'd cry. It's not only OK to see the funny side of things, it's imperative, some days.
k) Find someone you can talk to. Often, it is the being "heard" that makes all the difference. We don't always need a solution right away - sometimes an encouraging friend, co-worker, or family member to just listen to our concerns or venting goes a long way.
l) Money - the number one killer of marriages and a huge stressor for people. I've been following a tv program and I LOVE IT! Did I say that loud enough? 'Til Debt Do Us Part - if you don't have cable, it's on the internet . . . click on 'Til Debt Do Us Part - when you get to Gail's site, click onto Videos at the top. Down the left side will be all the tv shows - click onto 'Til Debt. Down the left side again, the Seasons will appear. Click onto any season. Go back up to the top and click onto the show you'd like to watch. Watch them and watch them and watch them. They are awesome and they give many, many people hope. You can laugh at how stupid people are with their finances but often, people don't realize how doing something once, twice, etc., etc., etc., can land them into huge, huge problems. It's a great show and it might even surprise you how you can see yourself in some of those couples. I know I've learned lots.
l) Money - the number one killer of marriages and a huge stressor for people. I've been following a tv program and I LOVE IT! Did I say that loud enough? 'Til Debt Do Us Part - if you don't have cable, it's on the internet . . . click on 'Til Debt Do Us Part - when you get to Gail's site, click onto Videos at the top. Down the left side will be all the tv shows - click onto 'Til Debt. Down the left side again, the Seasons will appear. Click onto any season. Go back up to the top and click onto the show you'd like to watch. Watch them and watch them and watch them. They are awesome and they give many, many people hope. You can laugh at how stupid people are with their finances but often, people don't realize how doing something once, twice, etc., etc., etc., can land them into huge, huge problems. It's a great show and it might even surprise you how you can see yourself in some of those couples. I know I've learned lots.
I hope that as I go forward into this week, with stress at the back of my mind, I'll appreciate that it's not always such a bad thing. I just have to learn (learning is lifelong!) how to manage it and to 'let go' so that I don't have to let it run my life. Or ruin my life. But more than that, it's knowing that I have a bigger say in how I handle things - doing something, anything is movement in the right direction - forward! I have to stop second guessing myself.
Quite frankly, there have been times in my life when I was truly stressed beyond belief because I just didn't have a clue if what I was doing was making any sense. Sometimes we don't want to share things with friends or family but we need to know if we are on the right track. Spending time with a family therapist actually helped me to focus in on what I could change, improve, and re-direct. It's not the end of the world when you decide you don't know it all.
Quite frankly, there have been times in my life when I was truly stressed beyond belief because I just didn't have a clue if what I was doing was making any sense. Sometimes we don't want to share things with friends or family but we need to know if we are on the right track. Spending time with a family therapist actually helped me to focus in on what I could change, improve, and re-direct. It's not the end of the world when you decide you don't know it all.
1. Place circle on FIRM surface.
2. Follow directions in circle.
3. Repeat Step 2 as necessary, or
until unconscious.
4. If unconscious, cease stress
reduction activity.
Food for Thought:
Stress is inevitable, defeat is optional.
Serenity Prayer
Time for school soon and that means back to work for me. Life will get busy and my house will fall apart again . . . or will it? Join me in the Ban Spring Cleaning Challenge next week!
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Images by:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
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