When someone walks into your house . .
. what is the first thing they would see? You can often get a good sense of
what the rest of the house is like and what the occupants are like from that
snapshot glance. That's probably why most people end up waiting outside on the front steps.
I remember stopping off at an acquaintance's house and being
taken aback at the nude art greeting me in her front foyer. I wasn't quite sure where to look as it was so BIG and so . . . NUDE. I could only imagine some poor kids'
hockey team canvassing for pop bottles - lol. I'm sure that would have generated some talk in the van! Funny. Sort of. They were a very avant garde
and outspoken household - European with a flare for the bold and beautiful.
And yes . . . the rest of their house was exactly as you would imagine.

Christmas is a good example. I have so much in my storage, you'd think I had a "side business" or something. In the past few years, I have been only taking out a few things and I have to say, the ambience is a little nicer. It's pretty easy to go overboard. The smaller your rooms, the better it is to not overkill. "More" is not necessarily, better.
Something I have come across a while back was a Designing Board. I have also seen Vision Boards (they go by other names, too) - same sort of idea but more of a focus on "life" and not so much on decorating your home. Vision boards are an interesting idea, but many can be a little too "New Age" for me. I think they have a cool jumping off point, though - collect pictures and sayings of how you want your life to unfold.
Some people have had some pretty unsuccessful / difficult / traumatic events in their life and "envisioning" something more positive can inspire or motivate them to turn things around. It's quite amazing how we can continue to move in the same negative direction and not realize it. Sometimes, it's just nice to be reminded or encouraged.
These boards can have quite a range in how they are designed - some are aimed more at physical desires (money, career, clothing, cars, travel, etc. - in essence - a visual bucket list) and some are about personal growth.

favourite quotes / verse / inspiring words
boards &

wedding boards (all the lovely details one might want for their special day).
I think they are a great "tool" but that's about all I envision them for me. There are endless web sites that try to impress upon you all sorts of ideas about what these boards can do for you - the main one being, "the law of attraction." That's code for: surround yourself with ideas/pictures and the good stuff willl come to you. For me, I simply like reminders and focus - the fact that I am hanging a board does not mean that if I accomplish them, I will be a millionaire or will "have it all". Most things in life, take work. Lots of people look for short cuts but the truth of the matter is, LIFE doesn't usually roll that way. Generally speaking, if you want something different to happen, you have to DO something different.
Here is my "cyber Christmas board" - the blog wouldn't allow me to transfer it over from a word document - but it gives you an idea. Pinterest / Houzz (www.houzz.com) have incredible ideas for Designer Boards.
Food for Thought:
In the end, Beauty (joy) is in the eye (heart) of the beholder. Whatever board or inspirations you come up with - make it something that is your own you, embraces the kind of presence you want in your home, or simply makes you smile!
Note to self:
Martha Doesn't Live At Our House
That's a Good Thing!
See you next week!
Images by: homespacing.com; pinterest - Amy Harrison; eventthis.blogspot.com; sunfloweronthesea;com; pinterst; nafbm.org; thebigmacblog.com;sparkmotive.blogspot.com;
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