‘Tis the Season . . .
I know for many, this time
of year does not evoke fond memories or good cheer. Faith, Family and Friends may not even be
remotely on their radar screen when it comes to Happy Holidays. Maybe happy anything, itself isn't even on their
agenda. Christmas (or any holiday/event) can be instrumental
in bringing on some of the worst depression or sadness imaginable. I truly am saddened to hear that. Poor health, losing someone special, and financial and job stresses can absolutely take the joy right out of you when you contemplate celebrating the holidays.

I also know that some prefer to just get through the season and it has nothing to do with sadness or depression. They have very little use for holidays, celebrations, family, friends, and / or faith and they like it that way just fine, thank you. I'm not like that, don't want to be like that, but can respect that (even if I don't understand it). I'm never quite sure how to respond to people like that, though. I guess I do what some people would do, avoid them or limit my time with them. Sometimes, it's ok to not surround yourself all the time with people that make you uncomfortable. I've always felt that was unkind to think that way but now I'm not so sure. It's important to be gracious to people, but you don't have to agree or like everything other people say. So .... you do what you can and you have to be fine with what you can reasonably do. Guilt is not a good thing. Self-preservation is.
FAITH - probably the biggest encouragement I get when it comes to handling life. Maybe I'm one of those anomalies people hear about who gets up early to read their devotions/bible and journals prayers for those in my life. My journal is filled with sadness, hearbreak, inspiration and joy. Sounds strange, perhaps but that's just how it is. My prayers have taken me on journeys I hadn't expected (or necessarily liked at the time) and they have shown me that there is more to me than I had ever imagined.
I understand that faith and prayer aren't everyone's cup of tea. To be quite honest, there was a time in my life when they weren't mine either. But, over the years, I have seen enough to convince me that what goes on around me in life has rarely been left to chance or coincidence. I have come to learn (through some difficult lessons) that I have very little control over most things in life but there is a real peace and comfort knowing that in this part of my life, I have some ownership. I think we all have some kind of a moral compass within us - what it looks like, how it's lived out, and how we choose to navigate through life . . . well - that choice needs to be ours. Can't say I have all the answers, for sure. Nor, will I likely ever have them . . . but I'm ok with that. My faith journey has been huge in defining who I am and why I do what I do. I'm probably a long way off from where I will eventually end up, but that's what a work in progress is all about. Keeps us humble . .. I hope.

FAMILY - now this is an area that can be like nails on a chalkboard. We have them in our lives, but sometimes, we wished we didn't. There may be times when our family can bring us to the brink of craziness!!!! Stages and phases. Family is important - no matter what the "world" says. Recently, there have been bizarre numbers of killings through Canada and the States involving family. Why in the world would this be happening. People have their theories, but it's just so sad that what should be a nurturing and loving environment should become anything but. Heartbreaking, really. The message I am getting from this . . . everything important starts at home. Your faith, your relationships, love, kindness, respect, etc. If you can't or won't take time to get "home" running the way it was intended to, then the important stuff probably won't run well outside the home. Eventually, the cards come tumbling down.

I can appreciate that lots of people do not come from healthy or functional homes. We can't always do much about our past, but we CAN do something about our present and our future. Some need to make some tough choices about how this has to happen - a new journey, always begins with the first step.
FRIENDS - If I'm going to drop the ball, this would be the one. Most people complain of not having enough hours in the day - can't say that I have heard anyone say, "Wow - I just have so much free time. 24/7 of endless time. Yeah!" So, if you are going to have to "find" time, putting friends on hold is probably what will happen. I realize that for some, their friends are often closer than their family. Not so for me. It would make me very sad to think that at the end of my life, my kids said, "You spent more time with Susie (or whoever) than you did with us. We wished we saw more of you." However, friends ARE a key area in our life and sometimes, we really do need to make more of an effort. Friends can often be the anchor we need, the sounding board that helps us to blow off steam, and an opportunity to remember who we are, when we aren't busy being a spouse, parent, child, in-law, co-worker, volunteer, etc.
If there is a time crunch that keeps us from making these areas of our lives a priority - maybe some things need to change in our life to accommodate that.
Lately, work has taken over and the stress that is happening there is filtering down to my home and personal life. What to do. Well - I have the benefit of a great sounding board in my husband. We've had some good heart to hearts on where and why this all happening. It's easy to forget our proper priorities. For some, it might even be easy to intentionally "forget" them. But, as I've said before, sometimes we can't see the trees for the forest. No one likes to feel like a victim or that your hands are tied. When you see you have options, it makes such a difference.
As I head into the New Year, my focus needs to be on changes in the three areas that matter the most to me. Jobs come and go. We can be happy wherever we work - fulfillment comes from within. It's important to pay your bills, for sure - but the balance needs to be there. So - that will be key for me. Balancing the good with the great.
Food for Thought:
See You Next Week!
Images by: posters.co.uk; topcovers.co; pinterest.com;
wolfescape.com; natcom.org; catholicteacherresources.com; youshotmedown.wordpress.com;
stbotanica.com; samatters.com;
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